About Me

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Akaii! Major Anime Fan, Fashion Lover, Minor Shopaholic; Big time Clothing,Shoes,Bag Lover

Sunday, April 20, 2014

College Life (Pt.1)

I officially started college at the 31st of March 2014.

To me, it was an adventure of a life-time.

To others, it may seem like a piece of nonsense.

But...to me, this is a new beginning towards a new life, a new light.

At the first day, I didn't have any friends (I mean it!)

I was really clueless on the matters of socializing (it's not my forte...)

I sat alone, at the front row, afraid to hold out my hand to others...


Those were my emotions on the first day.

But...those emotions disappeared once the second day arrived.

A nice girl started talking to me, introducing herself to me.

That girl was my first friend in college.

And thanks to her, I made a bunch of friends after that...including a few guys (ooh...)

Orientation lasted for about 3 days. 

I started class at 3rd April!

There, I met even more people with interest that matched mine.

Even though we weren't really close to each other but it's better than nothing, right?

By the end of the week, I already had about 4-5 friends! (miracle!)

Now...skip the friends part on to my classes and lecturers!

Well...classes were really fun and interesting!

The lecturers were awesome...assignments aside =P

I made more friends by the day and was really thrilled to live in a new community again!

Honestly speaking, I felt more alive then I was back at high school...

There was a sense of accomplishment and joy inside of me when I started.

I practically abandoned the past and moved on...

It was great, new people and new environment, I was truly happy.

Long gone were the days I felt emotional and worthless...

With the start of college, came a new born me, a happier, free me.

I felt so alive and free.

For once, I didn't bother whether people were around me or not.

It was so refreshing and welcoming.

Life in college was FUN!

Need I say more?

I got the chance to "cuci mata" everyday (in economics class)

And...a breakfast invite from....a guy!


Friends there were crazy and fun!

I laughed a lot almost everyday...I was joyful, free spirited and truly happy...

Well, I sort-of stood out among the other people because of my nonsense (....)

Overall, I had lots and lots of fun!

But...the decision of where to take lunch is always in my head!

I'm clueless when it comes to this...

What to eat for lunch haha!!

I don't know what else to update so I'll update every weekend!

Stay tuned... 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Back From Somewhere!

I'm back from my nine-day trip to Sabah!

Those 9 days were the most well spent (in my opinion) holidays in my life!

What I did the most was...EAT EAT and oh, EAT!

The delicacies there were too much to pass on, especially the seafood!

I'm in love with them!

Besides the magnificent food, there's also the superb hospitality of my relatives!

Thanks a lot minna!

This time, instead of shopping all day long, 

I went to the foot of Mount Kinabalu with my aunt.

We stayed in a really pretty chalet/lodge or whatever you like to call it!

The view was amazing from the balcony and windows!

They even have a Jacuzzi tub in there!

But...hot water was not really available for the showers....

So, we had to take hot water from the Jacuzzi to use as our shower water!

Not long after...

The showers had hot water running again but...I already showered!!! -.-


The stars of the night sky were clearly visible compared to where I am now!

It's simply dazzling and so sparkly!

You can't get this view in Kuala Lumpur no matter where you go right?

It was cold at the foot of the mountain, seriously!

I even wore a windbreaker to withstand the cold or maybe I'm just not used to it yet.


I seriously ate a whole lot during my visit XDD

I always had high-tea there!

Every single day, my breakfast was very filling!

I like the sang-nyuk-mian there the most!

It taste so much better than the zhu-yuk-fun we have here in KL!

The pork organs and meat of the sang-nyuk-mian were beyond my expectations!

They didn't have the weird porky stench we'd experience here!

Simply delicious!

The portion was really big .

Ahh....how I miss the food!

Words cannot describe my full description of the trip!

Pictures will be uploaded soon..I hope XDD  

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Chinese New Year Mood...ON!

Really feeling the CNY mood right now!

Chinese New Year is like just 2 more weeks away!

I can smell the sweet sweet snacks ahead of me!

My new theme for the year is...COLOUR-FULL!

Mostly yellows and reds thou!

Excited much!

Really looking forward to purchasing some goods during the season!

Bought a new pair of shoes!

I seriously love them so much even though I have yet to wear them!


Gonna continue my driving lessons after Chinese New Year!

Hopefully, it goes well for me!


Here I come!

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I went for the Open Day of a college recently!

It was all really fun and nice =)

I asked many things about the course I am interested in!

Officially pumped and excited!

Going for my long postponed exams next Wednesday!

Hope I pass it though =)

Really like the idea of passing another exam!

Another thing:

Chinese New Year is approaching me!

Totally in the mood for more shopping!

Loving life!

I really hope that my college life will be a good and smooth one !

I'm taking the bus provided by the college though XDD

Hopefully I'll have a smooth journey ahead of me!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Random Post

Coming back to update this place as frequent as possible!


Feeling more and more reluctant to just read that KPP book for some reason.

Full of writing and so little realistic things to focus on!

Been really weird and funny lately ☺

Maybe it's because of the flu that hit me in the face?

Maybe...hmm....maybe =P

I've not really known what to focus on lately since excitement has almost went away from my life.

I guess I'll just have to wait until I finish up with my license!

Speaking about that,

College life is almost upon me!

I know it's still like 3 months away from me but...

Time flies right?

Matter at hand...

Chinese New Year shopping not completely finished!

Oh my...

I think I'll find a nice way to survive it though!

Laptop shopping not done either!


Concentrate on my upcoming KPP exam first XDD

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome the New Year with...Flu

My wanton shop is officially open for business -.-

Oh gosh...

I hate making wantons -.-

My nose is sometimes raining cats and dogs,

It's sometimes clogged like the sewage systems -.-


After I got it, I feel blur and sometimes weird XD

I'm like spinning around the world XDD

But at least now I'm feeling better than yesterday!

Oh my goodness -.-

And also, I went for the KPP class...

A 5 and a half hour lecture -.-

I was sleepy, cold and I couldn't really breathe well because of my flu -.-

The class was boring, tiring and so so so so cold -.-

Next Wednesday I may be making a reservation to take the exams -.-

Goodness, I wanna get the license faster!!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014!

Hello 2014!

Ah, the first day of a new year!

Fresh year, fresh game, fresh start!

All things should go well this year!

Kick start my year with attending the Undang class -.-

A 6 hour long lecture or class or whatever you might wanna call it,

I think it's a great way to start off the year,

Especially if I have no idea of what to do with my free time XDD

So, another satisfying shopping day for me XDD

I finally, yes FINALLY got me a pair of long pants!


Another breakthrough in my wardrobe for the new year of 2014!

Still not done shopping yet though -.-

No shirts to match up with my shorts/skirts/long pants,

Main problem for me in shopping for clothes is definitely the top section, a.k.a tops.


It's a little complicated in my case XDD

Clothes just don't look like how they look on the models when they go on me.

They look...um...funny ☺

So...shopping for a perfectly fitted top is like a challenge for me.

But it is a challenge that I'm willing to take up!

Still looking for more skirts though,

Trying to be more ladylike as I have too many shorts/pants for my family's preference  =3

Many many many things to do and experiment with !

This 2014 is definitely going to be a new year with new beginnings!

I wonder...what will happen to me? XDD